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【键盘侠】掘金又拖进抢七|若早早出局 或有人提前下船?
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Ozone Chain 中文站
【键盘侠】掘金又拖进抢七|若早早出局 或有人提前下船?
发布日期:2025-01-04 16:25    点击次数:62
[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets defeat the Los Angeles Clippers 111-98 behind 34/14/7 from Nikola Jokic to force a game 7.【赛后帖】丹佛掘金今日以111-98逆转洛杉矶快船,将系列赛逼进抢七。约基奇34分14篮板7助攻1抢断1盖帽、哈里斯16分2篮板4助攻4抢断、穆雷21分5篮板5助攻、波特13分7篮板、蒙特-莫里斯10分;乔治33分6篮板3助攻5抢断、莱昂纳德25分8篮板5助攻2抢断、祖巴茨2分12篮板2盖帽、路威14分2篮板3抢断、贾玛考-格林11分2篮板2助攻。————————[–]NBA PedosoKJ 11.2k 指標 8小時前2& 3 moreIf the Clippers lose game 7, the slander going towards them is going to be so incredible that they might as well just pack up and move to Seattle.如果快船输掉了抢七战,怕是要被各种口水淹没掉,倒不如干脆打包搬到西雅图去算了。[–]NBA russellpickman 827 指標 8小時前They'll never hear the end of it especially from the Lakers fans right in their own backyard.他们要是被淘汰了,那嘲讽肯定是没完没了的,守在自家后院的湖蜜更是不会放过他们。[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram WhiteAdipose 596 指標 8小時前YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT -湖人球迷:你特么说得太对咯![–]Suns Appu_SexyBuoy 1858 指標 8小時前Imagine if Playoff P absolutely tanks in game 7. The sub will have a field day.太阳球迷:假如季后椒在G7拉胯……专区怕是要过节了[–]NBA PedosoKJ 870 指標 8小時前Oh it will give me life for at least a couple days.那起码能让我舒服好几天[–][LAL] Lonzo Ball JayyWilliams 393 指標 8小時前It’ll actually add a few years to my life湖人球迷:我甚至还能多活好几年。[–]Lakers MiopTop 2128 指標 8小時前Bucks fans gotta be salivating right now. Nobody is going to be talking about the Bucks if the Clippers blow a 3-1 lead湖人球迷:雄鹿球迷这会儿肯定很期待。要是快船3-1被逆转,那就没人调侃雄鹿了。[–]Clippers msc80451 957 指標 8小時前Mask one failure with an even bigger failure.快船球迷:用一个更大的失败掩盖另一个失败。[–]zannet_t 767 指標 8小時前Like how Lou will dodge being the scandal of the bubble because of Danuel lmfao就好比豪斯出事之后路威复赛前的丑闻的就没人提了,哈哈哈哈[–]Raptors mMounirM 12.2k 指標 8小時前This series was over when Clippers decided to take a 3-1 lead猛龙球迷:当快船决定3-1拿下赛点的时候,这轮系列赛就结束了。[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 4690 指標 8小時前Game 5: Clippers blow 15-point third quarter leadGame 6: Clippers blow 19-point third quarter leadGame 7: ???王治郅球迷:G5:快船第三节领先15分被逆转;G6:快船第三节两线19分被逆转;G7:???[–]Warriors kolraisins 3367 指標 8小時前It's gotta be a blown 23-point third quarter lead.勇士球迷:那下场必须是第三节领先23分被翻盘。[–]Rockets ashbjj 2594 指標 8小時前Clippers up 3-1Nuggets: You've activated my trap card!火箭球迷:快船3-1领先的时候,掘金表示:你已经激活了我的陷阱卡![–]whoriasteinem 1143 指標 8小時前*What Black Magic is this?Does Denver get some sort of perverse pleasure from giving teams a false sense of confidence before proceeding to annihilate them?这到底是什么黑魔法?先让对手产生错误的自信,然后将其歼灭,难道掘金能从中得到点变态的快感么? [–]Lakers Ijustquaffed 13.4k 指標 8小時前2‘96 bulls or 1-3 Nuggets?湖人球迷:96年公牛和1-3落后的掘金,谁更强?[–]Nuggets Geirkrak 5613 指標 8小時前232& 2 moreA cornered Nugget is one of the most dangerous animals in a bubble ecosystem.掘金球迷:被逼到墙角的掘金是复赛生态下最危险的怪兽之一。[–]maverickhistorian 2704 指標 8小時前Being down 3-1 is unlocking their true powers1-3落后才能解锁掘金真正的能量。[–]Lakers OKOTALUKWE 5088 指標 8小時前2& 3 moreI love seeing the Clippers lose, it fills me with so much joy, it‘s my daily medicine, my weekly energy, my monthly inspiration and my yearly motivation. Them losing is the only reason I‘m still alive, I was born to make fun of this horrific franchise, their immaculate blown leads湖人球迷:我就喜欢看快船输球,这能让我身心极其愉悦,这是我的每日良药、每周能量,更是我的月度灵感和年度动力。快船输球是我仍然活着的唯一理由,我生来就是为了嘲讽这支菜鸡球队和他们恰到好处的掉链子。[–]NBA russellpickman 112 指標 8小時前I hope they keep the not reaching WCF streak alive.希望快船多年无缘西决的纪录能够延续下去。————————[–]Mavericks zombiejh 125 指標 8小時前64-35 in the second half. Jesus.独行侠球迷:下半场居然是64-35,天呐![–]Trail Blazers Soap_MacLavish 6068 指標 8小時前How can you not respect the Nuggets as a basketball fan? Their resilience is incredible. What a team!开拓者球迷:作为篮球迷,你怎能不尊重掘金?他们的韧劲儿太强了,这队真厉害啊![–]Trail Blazers wasabimcdouble 2064 指標 8小時前So fun to watch. They refuse to die.开拓者球迷:看着真是过瘾啊,他们拒绝等死[–]Nuggets CountDrewcula 186 指標 8小時前Why rush and win the series in 4 when you can take your time and do it in 7?掘金球迷:明明可以慢慢来打满7场,干嘛要急着4场就解决战斗==[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 222 指標 8小時前I love Jokic and Murray so much. They go all out all the time独行侠球迷:我可太喜欢约基奇和穆雷了,他俩一直都全力以赴 [–]DezBaker 431 指標 8小時前Love watching them man. Such a fun team. MPJ coming out party. Also great for people to see how important Gary Harris is.我也喜欢看他们打球,掘金这队观赏性好强啊。小波特能打,大家也都见识到了哈里斯的重要性。[–]Cavaliers Cavshomie8 251 指標 8小時前Gary Harris returning seems to have flipped a switch for this team, especially on the defensive end. Incredible stuff, never thought he was that important.骑士球迷:貌似小哈里斯的回归让掘金打开了开关,尤其是防守端。之前从来都不觉得哈里斯有这么重要。[–]Nuggets abris33 525 指標 9小時前*I love this team so fucking much. Outside of that dumb, no rest Game 1 this has been a close series and we've had a lot of control. We had the Clippers shocked and defeated at the endI said it in Game 2. This team only does 7 game series掘金球迷:我特么爱死这支球队了。除了愚蠢又缺乏休息的G1,这轮系列赛打得还是挺接近的,并且我们也有不小的控制力。这才能让快船掉链子输球。G2我就放过话了,这支掘金的系列赛只会打满7场。[–]Nuggets RuffWeek 52 指標 8小時前Never been more proud of a nugs team in my lifetime. Even if we lose game 7. The 08-09 team was great, but it felt like less of a team and more like a collection of players around Melo and Chauncey. These kids are FIGHTING every play most games, even when they make a dumb mistake like any young team is destined to make and get themselves in trouble.掘金球迷:这一时期的掘金是最让我感到骄傲的,哪怕抢七输了也是如此。08-09年那支掘金也不错,不过感觉当时没那么像一个整体,更像是围绕甜瓜和比卢普斯集齐了一帮球员。现在这帮人大多数比赛都是每球必争,甚至是犯了像其他年轻球队不可避免的愚蠢错误、陷入麻烦时,也会继续战斗。[–]Lakers Palifaith 1190 指標 9小時前The Nuggets are about to become the first team to come back from 1-3 deficits in all their playoff series. Wait No.湖人球迷:掘金将成为第一支系列赛大比分1-3落后都能翻盘的球队。等等,不对劲==[–]Celtics brockstan4ever 189 指標 9小時前Nuggets win the first game against the lakers. Lebron wins 3 in a row and is about to get the gentlemen sweep...and then elimination game Jokic activates.凯尔特人球迷:碰到湖人的时候,掘金拿下第一场。詹姆斯再连下三成,就快要实现绅士横扫……接着背水一战的约基奇激活了。[–][BOS] Shaquille O'Neal gda19 1496 指標 9小時前Even if the Clippers make it to the WCF, they are so inconsistent I just can't see them winning it all凯尔特人球迷:就算快船进了西决,我还是不认为他们能冲冠,因为他们的起伏太大了。 [–]Trail Blazers whiteyspidey 353 指標 9小時前And they’ll face a LeRested lakers squad开拓者球迷:而且他们还得面对一支老詹歇够了的湖人。[–]Lakers Paranoides 214 指標 9小時前Resting is a curse for us. We always lose the game after a big rest. On the other hand, we win the following games.湖人球迷:休息对我湖来说就是个魔咒。往往休息好久之后的首场比赛都是个输。不过呢,输了之后我们都能赢。————————[–]Lakers SenatorSack 88 指標 8小時前I knew it was over when the Clippers were up 16湖人球迷:快船领先16分的时候我就知道结果了。[–]Lakers joshian22 2600 指標 8小時前How the fuck do you only score 20 points in the fourth quarter while playing no defense. This Clippers team is so baffling honestly湖人球迷:第四节只得20分就算了,居然毫无防守,这特么怎么做到的。说真的,这支快船很让人困惑。[–]Lakers G1Spectrum 637 指標 9小時前At some point the Clippers gotta realize they're not as good as they think they are湖人球迷:都这份上了,快船必须得知道,他们并没有自以为的那么厉害。[–]Heat Rhy60 3068 指標 8小時前*Arrogance. They’re acting like they’ve won 3 rings already, no one on that team has won shit, except Kawhi.But the Nuggets were awesome, they deserve all the credit, they WON this game!!热火球迷:就是傲慢呗。搞得像已经拿下三连冠似的,除了小卡,其他人屁都没拿过。不过掘金真的强,配得上所有的赞誉,他们搏到了这场胜利![–]Lakers JesusSama 572 指標 8小時前this Clippers team is playing with no heart right now and can't close out at all. They're playing like they were entitled to go to the Finals.湖人球迷:快船现在打得毫无斗志,一点收割比赛的能力都没有。在场上的姿态像是稳进总决赛一样。[–]Zlink-8 1353 指標 8小時前I really hope the Nuggets take this series.我是真心希望掘金拿下这轮系列赛。[–]Heat Rhy60 569 指標 8小時前Me too, George and Kawhi have a player option next year too don’t they? Do the Clippers trade George? Clocks ticking if they don’t advance! They have no picks too.热火球迷:我也是。乔治和小卡明年有球员选项对不?快船会交易乔治吗?如果他们这次没有晋级,那就时间紧迫咯!而且他们还没有选秀签。[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 4899 指標 9小時前*Clippers gonna still be “figuring out their chemistry” and “getting a feel for one another” in Cancun at this rate. Just wait until they have their full roster though! They’ve gotta be missing a towel boy or something. Once they get him back THEN they’ll finally be complete!照这么打下去,快船还是要在坎昆“寻找球队的化学反应”、“感受彼此的默契”。不过咱还是等着他们满员出击再说吧!毕竟人家依然缺少一个“毛巾男”压阵==一旦这人归位了,那快船才算是完整的! [–]mrhamster 264 指標 9小時前i think "super teams" suffer from this problem a lot. you build a team in one year, but sometimes one year isnt enough to really figure out the best team dynamics我觉得很多“超级球队”都逃不过这一关。一年时间就建立了一支球队,可要想真正打造出最佳的团队默契,一年时间是不够的。[–]Hawks Prodigy195 298 指標 8小時前The "we're a super team so we're supposed to win" mindset. Happened to the 2011 Heat.老鹰球迷:快船应该是被“我们是超级球队所以我们应该夺冠”这种思想束缚了。11年的热火就是前车之鉴。[–]Lakers jellybeans_over_raw 231 指標 9小時前I think they’re honestly gonna lose Game 7. The Nuggets are so used to Game 7’s, I think they just have bigger balls.湖人球迷:我真觉得快船会输掉抢七。因为掘金太擅长打G7了,他们更有种。[–]Cavaliers lebron_games 564 指標 9小時前Other than kawhi, they play like it’s their destiny to win the championship. They just chill when they get a big lead骑士球迷:除了小卡,快船整个打得就像是注定要夺冠一样随意,领先优势一扩大就开始瞎打。[–][TOR] Hakeem Olajuwon foreverapanda 320 指標 9小時前*For some reason the only guy who plays with any urgency is the only one who's actually been there before.猛龙球迷:就小卡有紧迫感,因为快船队里只有他真正感受过争冠的不易。[–]Fr0wningCat 150 指標 9小時前KAWHI SHOULDA STAYED IN TORONTO!!小卡当初就该留在多伦多!!![–]Raptors SpellboundUnicorn 551 指標 8小時前I'm not bitter about Kawhi leaving us, but this.. this does put a smile on my face猛龙球迷:小卡离开我龙我是不酸的,不过这……这结果倒是让我有点开心。[–]Grizzlies mnbnd 194 指標 8小時前I hope Kawhi ditches again so I can go back to 100% hating the Clippers灰熊球迷:希望小卡再次出走,这样我就能像以前一样毫无保留地讨厌快船了————————[–]Celtics KronoS275 303 指標 9小時前What a fucking comeback, Jokic is a monster凯尔特人球迷:这特么神逆转啊,约基奇就是个野兽[–]Lakers julius959 781 指標 9小時前JOKIC IS A GOD湖人球迷:约基奇就是神![–]Phred_Phrederic 138 指標 9小時前If Rudy couldn't stop Jokic do you think Harrell and Zubac can?连戈贝尔都防不住约基奇,居然还指望哈雷尔和祖巴茨?[–]Celtics All-StarbySmashMouth 1241 指標 9小時前elimination game jokic > prime MJ凯尔特人球迷:背水一战的约基奇>巅峰乔丹 [–]Nuggets dRide12[ ] 1311 指標 9小時前Jokić in the clutch?Jokić in a close out game?See ya for game 7掘金球迷:关键时刻的约基奇?末段僵持局面的约基奇?G7见哦![–]kirdan84 61 指標 7小時前Denver playoffs is like, ok guys we are surrounded.Jokic : thats great, now we can attack in all directions.丹佛的季后赛局面本来是这样的,“行了伙计们,咱们被包围了”。约基奇:很好,这下我们可以全方位攻击了![–][LAL] Kareem Rush Rah_Rah_RU_Rah 61 指標 8小時前Not to be reactionary, but got damn Jokic is the best center in the league湖人球迷:真不是我夸张,不过约基奇这特么就是联盟最强中锋[–][GSW] Stephen Curry voldemortscore 519 指標 9小時前Jokic somehow gets better in the playoffs勇士球迷:约基奇到了季后赛反而还变强了[–]Raptors fabrar 74 指標 8小時前The mark of a true superstar is turning it up for the playoffs.猛龙球迷:真超巨的标志就是到了季后赛提升水准。[–]OppositeJellyfish3 290 指標 9小時前He self load manages in the regular season and it’s pretty clear他常规赛就没少在场上进行负荷管理,这是相当明显的[–]Opposite Jellyfish3 67 指標 8小時前He also clearly values playmaking over scoring in the regular season.而且在常规赛阶段,比起得分,约基奇更注重组织串联。[–]West s loBrodanChillosevic 403 指標 8小時前*When I was 12, I was like 4'9" and my dad was 6'4", so to mitigate the massive height disparity and make our one-on-one games more fun, he adopted a more difficult game. His game grew to heavily feature one-footed fadeaways. Watching those ugly Jokic shots go in is giving me PTSD.我12岁的时候大概就4尺9,我爸当时是6尺4,为了减小高度差的影响、给我俩的单挑增加趣味性,他给自己调高了难度,经常用单脚后仰投篮虐我。看着约基奇这些丑陋的出手,我的往日梦魇又回来了。[–]Nuggets DanieltheMani3l 214 指標 8小時前Jokic was your dad all along掘金球迷:其实约基奇就是你爸[–]YungToon 59 指標 7小時前Jokic is everyone’s dad after today’s performance今天这表现过后,人人都是约基奇的崽。[–]Nuggets lindsayisgod 2343 指標 9小時前His 3pt shot is just unstoppable now, he has achieved his next form掘金球迷:他现在的三分简直是不可阻挡,他已经进入了下一个水准。[–]Raptors MolicOnePGR 102 指標 9小時前Playoff Jokic has Curry’s shot and Magic Johnson’s playmaking.猛龙球迷:季后赛的约基奇拥有库里的投篮和魔术师的组织。[–]Warriors Balls_of_Adamanthium[S] 1384 指標 9小時前*Those one-legged off balance shots in a pivotal elimination game 6..... I mean what the fuck? I wish I was this confident.勇士球迷:G6这么一场关键的绝地战里,他那些身体失衡状态下的单腿投篮……我特么都看懵了。多希望我也能有那种自信啊[–]Raptors pannedcakes 656 指標 9小時前*I swear he’s more accurate when he’s off balance.猛龙球迷:他身体失衡时反而投得更准[–]Raptors UnsolvedParadox 540 指標 8小時前He’s on that Dirk vibe.猛龙球迷:德克直呼内行[–]Lakers 7pH-milkHotel 512 指標 8小時前He's like an even less agile Nowitzki it's hilarious to watch I fucking love him湖人球迷:他就像敏捷弱化版的诺维茨基,看着老逗了,我特么爱死他了[–]Yacht Club TraeYoungsBaldSpot 385 指標 8小時前He also LOOKS super uncoordinated, it's like the martial arts style that makes your opponent think you're drunk, but you're actually more in control of your movements than they are而且他给人一种极其不协调的感觉,就像是一种让对手以为你喝醉了的武术招式,可你实际上对自己的动作更有把握了。[–]jjblahblah 188 指標 8小時前Nikola "Rock Lee" Jokic尼古拉-洛克李-约基奇[–]Nuggets PaleoclassicalPants 41 指標 7小時前Drunken Master掘金球迷:《醉拳》 [–]Raptors MolicOnePGR 1869 指標 9小時前 I apologize for thinking Jokic & Embiid was a debate. Jokic is built different.猛龙球迷:我以前居然还觉得约基奇和恩比德谁更强不好说,我要道歉,约基奇完全是不同级别的。[–]Thunder Opulescence 9 指標 5小時前Same. Embiid is more impactful defensively, but Jokic's offense is something else. No current Center can touch his offensive impact. Whatever happens this series, Jokic is legit. I'm hoping he can add another piece to his legend in game 7.雷霆球迷:我也这么觉得。恩比德的防守更有影响力,不过约基奇的进攻太强了。现役中锋中,他在进攻端的影响力遥遥领先。不管这轮系列赛结果怎样,约基奇都没得挑。希望G7能成为他的又一经典之作。[–]Raptors Raptors2017champs 22 指標 7小時前I said Jokic was better than Embiid 2 weeks ago. I got downvoted to hell, fuck yall.猛龙球迷:两周前我就说约基奇比恩比德强,结果被狂踩,一帮沙雕。[–][DEN] Nikola Jokic timothyxy 371 指標 9小時前We need to start giving this man more credit. Unquestionably elite player, and people still want to say he's not top 10掘金球迷:必须得给予约基奇更多的认可,他已经是毋庸置疑的顶尖球星了,居然还有人说他不是联盟前十。[–]Raptors fabrar 278 指標 8小時前Jokic is quite easily the best C in the league right now and arguably a top 7 player.猛龙球迷:目前的约基奇做联盟最强中锋简直不要太轻松,也算得上联盟前7球员。[–]76ers jabuendia 91 指標 8小時前Bron, Kawhi, Steph, Kd is top4. Who else but them is better than Jokic?76人球迷:詹姆斯、小卡、库里和阿杜是前四。其他人还有谁?他们比约基奇强吗?[–]Miceland 190 指標 8小時前*I would take Luka before Jokic, but it’s very closeJokic is the best clutch player in the league right now and makes everyone betterSome people are gonna say AD, but AD never did anything like Jokic’s last two playoff runs by himselfI see no reason why Lebron/Joker wouldn’t be just as good as this laker teamObv Harden and Giannis have better resumes, and unless Denver wins G7, I would still have them ahead.我觉得东契奇要在约基奇前面,不过很接近。约基奇是联盟目前最稳的关键球球员,而且他还能让队友变强。有些人或许会说戴维斯,不过戴维斯从未像约基奇近两个赛季一样在季后赛带队一路向前。把戴维斯换成约基奇,湖人肯定不会比现在差。很显然,哈登和字母哥的履历更亮眼,除非丹佛拿下G7,不然我觉得他俩在约基奇前面。————————来源:Reddit编译:云长刮个痧美帝键盘侠—歪果仁精彩评论汇总【来源:直播吧】